- 98% スタビライザーに適合
- ポケットサイズ
- 色温度2500K~6000K
- 10段階の明るさ
- 最大2.5時間
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- 一時的なウラムコーパーミアキュリスのコモドス
- マティス・ラオリート:
- Pellentesque vitae neque mollis urna mattis laoreet。
- 雨の女神:
- 神はただあなたを愛しています。
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- プロインモルスティエジェスタオルシACサシピットリスクポスエレロレモス
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Fotorgear Magnetic Fill Light
Illuminate your footage your way
Light Up Your Vision Magnetically
Designed for low-light shooting, Fotorgear Magnetic Fill Light features a magnetic design for convenient mounting. Easily attach the magnetic light on either side to brighten up any scene. Once it is attached, the magnetic light can easily be rotated to get the best lighting on any angle.
Light Up Your Vision Magnetically
Designed for low-light shooting, Fotorgear Magnetic Fill Light features a magnetic design for convenient mounting. Easily attach the magnetic light on either side to brighten up any scene. Once it is attached, the magnetic light can easily be rotated to get the best lighting on any angle.
Adjustable Brightness And Color Temperature
Different types of shooting environment require different brightness and color temperature. The Fotorgear Fill Light provides ten brightness levels and eight color temperature options, letting you highlight subjects with excellent lighting wherever you go.

Universal Compatibility
We also design two metal plates to make it a perfect fit for both DJI OM Series and other stabilizers.

An Intuitive Control Panel
See and switch between different brightness and color temperature at your fingertips.
Powerful Battery Case
Built-in 450mAh battery capacity, which will last for 2.5 hours with the lowest intensity level. The 5000mAh battery case allows for 5 times rechargeable.
Pocket Size
You can carry it in your pocket anytime and anywhre to achieve more interesting application scenarios and creative photos or videos.
Universal Compatibility
We also design two metal plates to make it a perfect fit for both DJI OM Series and other stabilizers.

Magnetic Fill Light
Brand Name: | Fotorgear |
Model: | GBL-01 |
Weight: | 29g/piece |
llluminance: | 50-300lux @0.6m |
Color Temperature: | 2500K - 6000K |
Power Consumption: | 0.38W (Min. Luminance); 0.79W (Max. Luminance) |
Battery Life: | 2.5 hr (Min. Luminance);35 mins (Max. Luminance) |
Charging Port: | Type-C |
Charging Time: | 35 mins |
Compatibility: | 98% stabilizers, including the DJI OM series, Zhiyun and other gimbals. |
Battery Capacity: | 500mAh |
Dimensions: | 50x33x21 mm |
Charging Case
Brand Name: | Fotorgear |
Model: | FGC-01 |
Dimensions: | 110x103x52mm |
Weight: | 209g |
Charging Port: | Type-C |
Voltage: | 5V |
Material: | Plastic Charging Temperature: 5° to 40°C (41° to 104°F) Operating Temperature: 0° to 40°C (32° to 104°F) |